
You can change the style of the cart on your online store.

1. In the theme editor, click Theme settings.

2. Locate Cart.

3. Use the drop-down menu to select a Cart tyle:

InspiredTheme includes three distinct cart types: Popup notification, Page, and Drawer. The cart types have separate functions and approach the add-to-cart process differently.

  • Page: A cart page refers to a static landing page that displays the summary of all the products you have added to the cart, the subtotal and total price of the products, and checkout options. A cart page eases the customers’ online shopping by showing all the necessary information on a single page. When your customer clicks the cart icon in the header will take them directly to the cart page.

How to set up the cart page?
  • In your theme editor, use the Templates selector to open Cart.

  • Click the Cart page section to open the settings. You can add and edit theme sections (link article: Sections) to customize the layout of your page.

  • Drawer: A cart drawer displays the information on 25% of the screen. It’s a slide where your cart information will show. It allows customers to continue shopping while they can see the cart information in the cart drawer.

Cart drawer settings
  • To display the vendor of the items in a customer's cart, select Show vendor.

  • To provide customers with an area to make special requests or add extra order information, select the Enable cart note option.

  • Popup notification: When your customer adds a product to the cart, they will see a pop-up showing the updated shopping cart information under the Cart icon.

Last updated