Blog posts

The Blog posts section displays a carousel of featured blog posts. It is useful when you want to show new product launches, tips, or other news.

1. Our guide to set up a Blog posts section:


  • In the theme editor, click Add section.

  • Locate Blog posts.

  • Click Save.

2. Blog posts section settings:

  • Click on the Blog posts section to open the section settings.

  • Add a heading (enter text to display a section title in the top-left corner) and Enable "View all" button if the blog includes more blog posts than shown.

  • Show Secondary background, the number of blog posts (between 2 and 4), and the featured image of your blog.

3. How to add a blog post to your online store:

  • From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Blog posts > Add blog post

  • For the Blog posts section to display properly, you must add Title, Content, Featured images, and Excerpts to all your blog posts.

  • Click Save.

Each blog post in the Blog posts section shows the first 55 words of a post's excerpt. If the blog post doesn't have an excerpt, then the first 30 words of the post are displayed instead.

Last updated