In Inspired themes, you can add sections on any page. There are a few default sections that appear on each page, such as the announcement bar, the header, and the footer.
Last updated 9 months ago
Featured collection: You can add a section that displays products in one collection.
Featured product: You can add a section that features a specific product.
Collection list: You can add a list of collections that you want to highlight.
Rich text: You can add a rich text section with a header, paragraph content, and a button to link customers to a new page.
Image with text: You can add a section that contains an image and a text block with an optional button to link customers to a new page.
Image banner: The image banner section supports one image and a text box with buttons.
Slideshow: lets you display your most popular products/collections or shout out about what's new with a call-to-action button.
Collage: You can create a collage of videos, images, products, and collections.
Multicolumn: You can use the multicolumn section to display content in a column layout, and add a button below the columns to take the customer to a new page.
Email signup: You can add a section where customers can enter their email address and subscribe to your newsletter or marketing.
Contact form: Your contact form sends all submissions to your store's Sender email address.
Video: You can add a video section to embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo on a page in your store.
Blog posts: You can use a Blog post section to highlight posts from that blog.
Custom Liquid: You can add your own Liquid code to create a custom section.
Page: You can choose to display the content of a custom page in a section.
Collapsible content: You can add a FAQ section to answer your customers' frequently asked questions.
Video banner: displays an auto-playing video (without sound) to add dynamism to your store.